2018 ASHA CONVENTION PROGRAM BOOK • 315 POSTER/EPOSTER SESSIONS • FRIDAY DAY/TIME SESSION/ BOARD # AREA/ TOPIC TITLE LEVEL/ TYPE AUTHOR(S) FR 4:00PM-5:30PM 7893 Board 719 SLP VAC A Deep Learning-based Voice Conversion System for Dysarthria Speaker Intermediate Research Ying-Hui Lai, Nat’l Yang-Ming U; Hsiu-Wei Yeh, Dept of Electrical Engineer, Yuan Ze U; Syu-Siang Wang, Graduate Inst of Comm Engineering, Nat’l Taiwan U; Yu Tsao, Academia Sinica; Guan-Min Ho, APrevent Medical Inc.; Tay-Jyi Lin, System-on-Chip Research Ctr, Nat’l Chung Cheng U; Chia-Yuan Chang, APrevent Medical Inc; Pei-Chun Li, Dept of Audiology & SLP, Macky Med Coll; Ching-Wei Yeh, Dept of Electrical Engineering, Nat’l Chung Cheng U; Tien-Fu Chen, Dept of Computer Science, Nat’l Chiao Tung U; Jinn-Shyan Wang, Dept of Electrical Engineering, Nat’l Chung Cheng U FR 4:00PM-5:30PM 7894 Board 720 SLP VAC Impact of Facial Paralysis on Communicative Participation: Objective Assessment & Correlation With Facial Movement Intermediate Research Sarah Stranberg, Stanford Health Care; Noel Ayoub, Stanford U Sch of Medicine; Jon-Paul Pepper, Stanford U Sch of Medicine FR 4:00PM-5:30PM 7895 Board 721 SLP VAC Prevalence & Distribution of Voice Disorders in a Specialized Pediatric Voice Clinic Introductory Prof Educ Yeraldi Geronimo, Boston Children’s Hosp; Sydney Kagan, Boston Children’s Hosp; Karen Thompson, Boston Children’s Hosp; Elizabeth Heller Murray, Boston Children’s Hosp FR 4:00PM-5:30PM 7896 Board 722 SLP VAC The Aging Voice: Perceived Age & Voice Quality Intermediate Research Eric Hunter, Michigan St U; Sarah Hargus Ferguson, U of Utah; Lady Catherine Cantor Cutiva, Michigan St U FR 4:00PM-5:30PM 7897 Board 723 SLP VAC The Influence of Multi-Talker Noise on Stop-Plosive & Fricative Intelligibility of Tracheoesophageal Speakers Intermediate Research Sebastiano Failla, Western U; Philip Doyle, Western U FR 4:00PM-5:30PM 7898 Board 724 SLP VAC Tracheoesophageal Voice Prostheses: Speaker Perspectives on Functional Speaking Outcomes Intermediate Research Holly Hess, UVA Med Ctr FR 4:00PM-5:30PM 7899 Board 725 SLP VAC Voice Related Changes in Individuals Who Smoke – A Systematic Review of Literature Intermediate Prof Educ Dhanshree Gunjawate, Manipal Academy of Higher Ed; Rohit Ravi, SOAHS, Manipal Academy of Higher Educ