204 • 2018 ASHA CONVENTION PROGRAM BOOK As of July 31, 2018 1985 Shared Mission USA: Interprofessional Education Using Action Research SA 5:00PM-6:00PM / CC, 156AB (Lvl 1) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): April Garrity, Georgia Southern U; Casey Keck, Georgia Southern U; Janet Bradshaw, Georgia Southern U Shared Mission: USA is an interprofessional project incorporating several university units (Academic Affairs, Disability Services, Military Resource Center, Counseling Center). The program is designed to help prepare future SLPs to provide services to veterans with TBI. This presentation will provide a tutorial on action research and use the development of Shared Mission: USA as a case study of this methodology. 1986 Supervision of Students in Public School Settings: Three Perspectives on Challenges & Frameworks SA 5:00PM-6:00PM / CC, 105 (Lvl 1) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Lesley Sylvan, Montclair St U; Francine DeMarco, San Francisco Unified Sch Dist; Barbara Klein, Clark Cnty Sch Dist; Kathleen Palatucci, Montclair St U Providing appropriate speech-language pathology internship experiences for graduate students in public school settings requires collaboration between university faculty, district leadership and school-based SLPs. The focus of this presentation is exploring the challenges of providing effective internship experiences from each of these perspectives. Issues related to communication and clinical pedagogy will be explored and frameworks for supporting learning will be presented. AUGMENTATIVE AND ALTERNATIVE COMMUNICATION (AAC) (SLP) 1987 Discover How Using Apps Can Build Core Vocabulary, Teach Concepts & Get Results SA 5:00PM-6:00PM / CC, 203 (Lvl 2) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Lois Brady, iTherapy, LLC; Garrett Oyama, Emerson Coll This presentation will demonstrate new, effective and unique strategies that use apps and technology to build speech, language, functional communication, literacy, and get results for students on the autism spectrum. By focusing on high frequency, core vocabulary combined with literacy skills, and a vision of the end results, we can build life-long communication skills. 1988 Growing Competent AAC Clinicians: Implementation of an AAC Competency Program to Ensure Best Practice SA 5:00PM-6:00PM / CC, 162AB (Lvl 1) Introductory; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Kathryn Brown, Nationwide Children’s Hosp; Bridgett Collins, Nationwide Children’s Hosp; AnnMarie Polovick, Nationwide Children’s Hosp; Rebecca DeNiro, Nationwide Children’s Hosp; Amaisha Wiebe, Nationwide Children’s Hosp AAC is a complex and time consuming specialty area. Training and support of clinicians is critical to a successful AAC program. We will discuss how a large pediatric hospital speech pathology department created and implemented a clinical competency practice in AAC to support growth and development from basic to complex levels of expertise. 1989 School-Based Telepractice Services for Students Who are AAC Users: Lessons Learned SA 5:00PM-6:00PM / CC, 208 (Lvl 2) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Michelle Boisvert, WorldTide, Inc.; Nerissa Hall, Communicare, LLC This presentation will address the use of telepractice as an effective means of delivering speech and language services to individuals who use AAC within a school-based setting. Components of a successful Tele-AAC program will be discussed including training, infrastructure, environment and personnel. Moreover, issues such as client candidacy, clinical strategies, modification of materials and potential barriers will also be presented. 1990 Supporting the Language & Literacy Development of Individuals With Complex Communication Needs SA 5:00PM-6:00PM / CC, 204AB (Lvl 2) Introductory; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Kelsey Hall, Assistive Technology for Educ; Diana Petschauer, Assistive Technology for Educ Students with complex communication needs and/or significant language-based learning disabilities are often underserved in reading instruction, yet require systematic, explicit, and multisensory instruction. Instead, instruction is primarily focused on shared reading and sight words. Join us for a hands-on and engaging session about using assistive technologies to supplement quality reading instruction with students who have complex needs. AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS (SLP) 1991 Multimodal Word Learning Intervention for Children With Autism With Minimal Verbal Skills SA 5:00PM-6:00PM / CC, 153ABC (Lvl 1) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Stephanie Becker, U of Kansas; Nancy Brady, U of Kansas; Lindsay Williams, U of Kansas A multimodal approach to word learning combines communication modes (e.g., speech and AAC) during intervention. Based on the results of one study (Brady et al., 2015) using the approach, a larger experimental language intervention was initiated for children with autism, age 5 to 10, who were minimally verbal. This presentation will describe theoretical support and key intervention components. 1992 Using “Conversation Club” to Get Children With High- Functioning Autism to Engage in Conversation With Peers SA 5:00PM-6:00PM / CC, Ballroom West Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Eve Muller, Ivymount Sch; Lynn Cannon, Ivymount Sch; Courtney Kornblum, The Parkside Sch; Michal Powers, Montgomery County Pub Schs; Jonna Clark, Renton Public Schs We describe instructional strategies and outcomes from the research-based “Conversation Club Curriculum.” We explain why a social cognitive approach is indicated. Practical tips for implementation will support instructors to explicitly teach the “how” and “why” of conversation to elementary students with high-functioning autism, focusing on social motivation, perspective taking, topic initiation, topic maintenance, and conversation repair.