2018 ASHA CONVENTION PROGRAM BOOK • 101 ORAL SEMINARS • THURSDAY HEARING AND TINNITUS ACROSS THE LIFESPAN (AUD) 1073 A Spanish/English Pediatric Speech-Recognition Test Which Does Not Require Proficiency in Spanish TH 1:30PM-2:30PM / CC, 107B (Lvl 1) Introductory; Research AUTHOR(S): Lauren Calandruccio, Case Western Reserve U; Barbara Rodriguez, U of New Mexico; Emily Buss, U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Lori Leibold, Boys Town Nat’l Rsrch Hosp; Dawna Lewis, Boys Town Nat’l Rsrch Hosp; Ryan McCreery, Boys Town Nat’l Rsrch Hosp; Jacob Oleson, U of Iowa A Spanish/English speech perception test that utilizes a four-alternative forced- choice paradigm has been developed and is being adapted into a clinical tool. Clinical implementation is underway at seven national pediatric hospitals. The need for such a test, the development of the test, how the test was transitioned from the laboratory to the clinic, and preliminary data will be presented. 1074 Efficacy & Effectiveness of OTC (or PSAP) Hearing Care TH 1:30PM-2:30PM / CC, 109AB (Lvl 1) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Nicholas Reed, Johns Hopkins U This session is developed by, and presenters invited by, Hearing and Tinnitus Across the Lifespan. Over-the-Counter (OTC) hearing devices, including PSAPs, represent a new opportunity for audiologists to address hearing loss. This talk will cover laboratory-based efficacy research of how OTC/PSAP devices perform on simple tasks when they are fit by an audiologist and when they are fit by the user themselves as well as some preliminary results from field-based research using these devices. HEARING, LANGUAGE, AND SPEECH IN THE DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING: BIRTH TO SCHOOL TRANSITION (GI) 1075 Developing a Musical Brain: Family-Focused Fun for Infants & Toddlers With Hearing Loss TH 1:30PM-2:30PM / CC, 106 (Lvl 1) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Carol Flexer, The U of Akron; Valeri LeBeau, Advanced Bionics Music engages the family and supports the development of listening, speaking and literacy skills by stimulating a baby’s auditory brain. This talk summarizes research about the impact of music on brain development and offers practical suggestions and musical resources for adding language enrichment to the daily routines of infants and young children who are deaf or hard of hearing. 1076 Making the Case: Following 1:3:6 for Children With Microtia/ Atresia TH 1:30PM-2:30PM / CC, 105 (Lvl 1) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Michelle Kraskin, Weill Cornell Medicine; Meredith Berger, Clarke Schs for Hearing & Speech Under current JCIH recommendations, children with microtia/atresia should receive the same supports under the 1:3:6 guideline as children with sensorineural hearing loss. The reality is, though, that most do not. This session will briefly review JCIH recommendations for children with conductive hearing loss and available research. HEARING, TINNITUS, AND VESTIBULAR SCIENCE (AUD) 1077 Evaluating the Perceptual Effects of Hidden Hearing Loss in a Chinchilla Model of Cochlear Synaptopathy TH 1:30PM-2:30PM / CC, 107A (Lvl 1) Intermediate; Research AUTHOR(S): Michael Heinz, Purdue U Moderate-level noise exposure can permanently eliminate cochlear synapses without elevating auditory thresholds in animals. Hidden hearing loss has been hypothesized to underlie human perceptual difficulties in noise that are sometimes observed even with normal audiograms. Anatomical, physiological, and behavioral data from chinchillas will be presented to illustrate a valuable animal model for linking physiological and perceptual effects of hearing loss. INNOVATIONS, DEBATES, AND HOT TOPICS IN THE DISCIPLINE (GI) 1078 Moving Beyond Aphasia: Applying C.A.P.E.’s Evidence- Based Checklist Across a Variety of Settings & Populations TH 1:30PM-2:30PM / CC, 207 (Lvl 2) Introductory; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Roberta Elman, Aphasia Ctr of CA; Maura English Silverman, Triangle Aphasia Project Unlimited We will discuss applying C.A.P.E., a checklist of four evidence-based aphasia interventions effective across an array of medical/ rehabilitative settings, to other moderate-to- severe communication disorders, especially when duration and frequency of treatment are limited. Clinical approaches and cases will be shared. Clinicians and educators will be able to integrate this “go to” framework into their clinical practice or university classroom. INTERPROFESSIONAL COLLABORATION (GI) 1079 How CI Industry & Clinics Collaborate To Improve Efficiency TH 1:30PM-2:30PM / CC, 209 (Lvl 2) Introductory; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Taylor Sands, MED-EL Corporation; Meredith Holcomb, Med U of South Carlolina Due to increased productivity demands in the clinical setting for audiologists and technological advancements of cochlear implant systems, it is difficult to meet patients’ unique needs. Therefore, cochlear implant manufacturing companies are increasing the services they are able to provide to recipients and candidates. In this session, the participants will explore strategies to improve clinical efficiency through revolutionary professional collaboration.