198 • 2018 ASHA CONVENTION PROGRAM BOOK As of July 31, 2018 AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS (SLP) 1934 Cognitive Language Needs of Degree Seeking Students with Autism SA 3:45PM-4:45PM / CC, 153ABC (Lvl 1) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Lisa Audet, Kent St U; Leah Subak, Kent St U More individuals with autism are seeking college degrees. These students have unique needs beyond the classroom to address to insure social and vocational success. This presentation, grounded a disability studies and universal design model, examines social, cognitive initiatives to support and empower college students with autism. A six step process is presented along with the role of the SLP. 1935 Music!Words!Opera!: Curriculum Adaptations for Students With Autism & Complex Communication Needs SA 3:45PM-4:45PM / CC, Ballroom East Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Lisa Pierce-Goldstein, Boston Pub Schs This presentation describes the steps taken to adapt OPERA America’s Music!Words!Opera! curriculum for students with autism and complex communication needs, using best practices from speech language pathology, augmentative and alternative communication and music education. These adaptations provide a rich, multi-disciplinary platform in which to target multiple language, communication and social skills goals. 1936 What If the Cow Doesn’t Say Moo? SA 3:45PM-4:45PM / CC, 104ABC (Lvl 1) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Liza Bernabeo, Rebecca Sch; ToniAnn Gambella, Rebecca Sch; Courtney Latter, Rebecca Sch; Ashley Lyons, Rebecca Sch; Jennifer Shonkoff, Rebecca Sch; Victoria Simmons, Rebecca Sch At Rebecca School, we use the DIR® /Floortime™ model to support our students’ language development, ideas, and social-emotional growth. Through discussion and video, presenters will demonstrate that by following a child’s lead and using their passions during play-based interactions, you can support students at varying developmental levels. BUSINESS AND PRACTICE MANAGEMENT (GI) 1937 If Medicaid Scenarios Are Your Cup of Tea (Party With U.S. in Boston) SA 3:45PM-4:45PM / CC, 156AB (Lvl 1) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Kelly Ball, Therapy Solutions of Georgia; Linda Hazard, U of Vermont; Nancy Lovering, Speech Language Therapy Services, LLC; Louis Malerba, Retired; Julie Stover, Optum Health; Kimberly Ward, U of Southern Mississippi; Timothy Weise, Garden City Hosp/ Prime Healthcare; Laurie Havens, ASHA ASHA members have noted the importance of Medicaid as a primary payer for services. However, members have also noted the wide variety of roles which Medicaid plays in each state, specifically billing, reimbursement, and coverage regulations. Experts from ASHA’s Medicaid Committee will address most recent frequently asked questions in the form of case studies for attendees. 1938 OASIS Basics for Speech- Language Pathologists in Home Health Care SA 3:45PM-4:45PM / Westin, Commonwealth C Introductory; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Jennifer Loehr, Encompass Health; Megan Malone, Kent St U This presentation will provide an overview of the outcome assessment and data set (OASIS) for speech-language pathologists working in home health care. This presentation will define the purpose and use of the OASIS, offer resources, and provide basic rules for completion. SLPs will be empowered to utilize this information for increased efficiency and success in OASIS data collection. CULTURAL AND LINGUISTIC DIVERSITY (GI) 1939 Cultural Paradigms: Influence on our Practice Patterns SA 3:45PM-4:45PM / CC, 157ABC (Lvl 1) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Luis Riquelme, NY Medical College, NYP Brooklyn Methodist Hospital; Paula Leslie, U of Pittsburgh Too often we presume it is others who have “culture”: aligning THEIRS to OURS. This results in ethnocentrism. How does our cultural lens affect clinical care? We must first identify our own filters to grasp how we perceive others, and they us. Presenters and audience will collaborate in developing tools to provide least- biased services to our diverse population. 1940 Fairness in the Assessment of English Learners: Toward True Peer Group Measurement SA 3:45PM-4:45PM / Westin, Lewis Introductory; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Samuel Ortiz, St John’s U; Jane Wong, St John’s U; Joanna Solomon, MHS This session examines issues in the evaluation of English Learners (ELs)’ English language acquisition and discusses the importance of utilizing true peer comparisons for ELs to ensure fairness in measurement and interpretation. Topics include: comparability of normative samples, relationship between ELs’ language exposure and test performance, and the importance of proportionate lifetime exposure to English in the evaluation of ELs. 1941 Survey Findings of Asian and Pacific-Islanders in the Speech- Language-Hearing Sciences: Implications for Recruitment & Support SA 3:45PM-4:45PM / CC, 251 (Lvl 2) Introductory; Research AUTHOR(S): Betty Yu, San Francisco St U; Teresa Girolamo, U of Kansas; Ying-Chiao Tsao, CSU, Fullerton; Elizabeth Chafcouloff, Speech Therapy Cambodia; Annie Le, West Contra Costa Unified Sch Dist; Stephanie Tran, pediatric mental health Representatives of the Asian Pacific Islander Speech-Language-Hearing Caucus will discuss the findings of a year-long survey of clinicians, researchers, and students who are of Asian and Pacific Islander (API) descent regarding their demographic profiles, academic/ professional experiences, contributions, and needs. Implications of these findings for the recruitment and retention of API students/ professionals and serving API clients will be discussed.