184 • 2018 ASHA CONVENTION PROGRAM BOOK As of July 31, 2018 1825 Enlisting Parents & Teachers to Facilitate Social, Communication & Language Skills SA 1:00PM-2:00PM / CC, Ballroom West Intermediate; Research AUTHOR(S): Allyssa McCabe, U of Massachusetts Lowell; Pamela Rollins, U of Texas at Dallas, Callier Ctr; David Dickinson, Vanderbilt U Three studies document successful interventions with parents or teachers that have boosted various aspects of children’s social language skills. Children who participated in these studies were diverse in terms of family income, minority status, or being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Gains were documented in narrative skills, social eye gaze, vocal-verbal reciprocity, or diversity and rate of communicative acts. 1826 Maximizing Early Brain Development: Detecting & Intervening Early With At-Risk Children: Research, Practice and Training SA 1:00PM-2:00PM / CC, 153ABC (Lvl 1) Advanced; Research AUTHOR(S): Jennifer Stapel-Wax, Marcus Autism Ctr/Emory U This session is developed by, and presenters invited by, Autism Spectrum Disorders. This session will address facilitators and obstacles to early screening/detection, identification/ diagnosis and early intervention for children at-risk for deviations from optimal early brain development. New methodologies and technologies will be highlighted. Young children with risk of developmental and communication delays including ASD will be discussed. Public health issues of viability, feasibility, community- engagement and building community capacity are addressed. 1827 Supporting the Transition to Adulthood for Adolescents With ASD Using a Peer Mentoring Program SA 1:00PM-2:00PM / CC, Ballroom East Introductory; Research AUTHOR(S): Matthew Battaglia, Nazareth Coll; Julia Hess, Nazareth Coll; Megan Tobin, Nazareth Coll This presentation will discuss a mentoring program established between Nazareth College and a neighboring high school. The program was designed to promote an awareness of postsecondary opportunities, and help develop the skills necessary to succeed in a college environment for transition-age students with autism spectrum disorder. The presentation will describe key components of the program, example activities, and outcomes. 1828 Visual Immersion: Unique Uses of Visuals to Promote Language Development in Individuals With ASD SA 1:00PM-2:00PM / CC, 258ABC (Lvl 2) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Jennifer Abramson, Boston Children’s Hosp Use of visual supports for learners with ASD is increasingly common, and rightfully so. Many current approaches, however, have inherent limitations which restrict the ultimate potential of the learner. During this session, the comprehensive use of visual supports will be discussed and unique approaches will be introduced to promote expressive language, receptive language, social pragmatic skills and behavior regulation. BUSINESS AND PRACTICE MANAGEMENT (GI) 1829 I’m Being Called as a Witness in a Due Process Proceeding… Now What? SA 1:00PM-2:00PM / Westin, Burroughs Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Maria McGinley, Mayerson & Associates; Jacqueline DeVore, Mayerson & Associates Disputes about special education services may be resolved by working through disagreements. Other times, families file for due process to assert their rights at a hearing. This session identifies concerns that arise during the evaluation/assessment process, IEP development and service implementation. Presenters will provide strategies for effectively navigating legal issues that may arise relating to due process. 1830 Why It Matters: Financial Impact From Lack of Attentiveness & Oversight in Billing & Documentation SA 1:00PM-2:00PM / Westin, Harbor Ballroom I Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Rebecca Smith, Aegis Therapies; Jaclyn Warshauer, Aegis Therapies; Rebecca Setaro, Aegis Therapies; Mary Saylor, Aegis Therapies Therapists are constantly faced with the question How do I fit in treatment, education, coding, and documentation in my day. Treatment delivered without appropriate attention to billing and documentation can derail your practice. Learn why it matters and improve your attention and understand the importance of documentation, billing and coding. CRANIOFACIAL AND VELOPHARYNGEAL DISORDERS (SLP) 1831 Person Centered Cleft Care: Evolutionary Practice by Giving Our Clients a Voice SA 1:00PM-2:00PM / CC, 256 (Lvl 2) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Brenda Loxton Louw, East Tennessee St U; Linda Vallino, Ctr for Pediatric Auditory & Speech Sciences at Nemours/A.I. duPont Hosp for Children Person Centered Care (PCC) is widely advocated in health care and endorsed by ASHA (2005). The implementation of PCC in the field of Cleft Lip and Palate (CLP) is emerging but has not received sufficient attention by SLPs clinically or in research. Using the ICF (WHO, 2009) framework, PCC for individuals with CLP and their families will be presented. CULTURAL AND LINGUISTIC DIVERSITY (GI) 1832 First & Second Language Acquisition in Vietnamese-English Bilingual Children SA 1:00PM-2:00PM / CC, 157ABC (Lvl 1) Intermediate; Research AUTHOR(S): Quynh Dam, San Diego St U; Irina Potapova, San Diego St U; Sonja Pruitt-Lord, San Diego St U; Giang Pham, San Diego St U Assessment of language disorders is predicated on our knowledge of typical development. For bilinguals, a firm understanding of children’s first and second languages is key. We analyze language samples from preschool and school- age children who speak Vietnamese and English. We identify measures that are sensitive to age and distinguish between developmental errors and cross-language influence using monolingual-bilingual comparisons.