2018 ASHA CONVENTION PROGRAM BOOK • 207 ORAL SEMINARS • SATURDAY 2007 Using Personal Narratives to Increase Early Childhood Teachers’ Use of Vocabulary & Complex Syntax SA 5:00PM-6:00PM / CC, 251 (Lvl 2) Intermediate; Research AUTHOR(S): Casey O’Keefe, U of Wisconsin - Whitewater; Kristen Linzmeier, U of Wisconsin - Whitewater; Courtney Karasinski, Grand Valley St U This study examined changes in syntactic complexity and vocabulary use of early childhood teachers, speech-language pathologists, and reading teachers who used personal narratives to introduce storybook interactions. Participants in this study attended on-going professional development designed to increase the quality of their language input in early childhood classrooms through interprofessional practices. Pre-post data and methods for analysis will be discussed. LANGUAGE AND LEARNING IN SCHOOL-AGE INDIVIDUALS (SLP) 2008 A Multiliteracies Approach to Developing Identity & Language in Diverse Students SA 5:00PM-6:00PM / CC, Ballroom East Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Elizabeth Biersgreen, Bilingual Multicultural Svcs; Carol Westby, Bilingual Multicultural Svcs Presenters will describe: (1) the use of a multiliteracies approach to promote social emotional development and literacy; (2) the what of multiliteracies - multimodal ways of making meaning; and (3) the how of multiliteracies - the sequence of strategies for developing language for social and academic discourse in elementary school-age refugee children, English Learners, and children with language impairments. 2009 Introduction to Shape Coding for Teaching English Grammar to School-Aged Children With Developmental Language Disorder SA 5:00PM-6:00PM / CC, 209 (Lvl 2) Introductory; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Susan Ebbels, Moor House Research & Training Institute The Shape Coding system was developed to help school-aged children with Developmental Language Disorder learn to produce and understand a wider range of grammatical structures and to make fewer errors of tense and agreement. I will present a brief overview of the research evidence, but this seminar will focus primarily on practical use of the system in intervention. 2010 Sleep on This: The Role of Sleep Hygiene Practices to Improve Educational Outcomes SA 5:00PM-6:00PM / CC, 255 (Lvl 2) Introductory; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Nicole Archambault Besson, Minds In Motion Today’s educational system puts greater academic and cognitive demands on children than ever before. To prepare for classroom success, children need restorative sleep to function at their best. This session introduces SLPs to sleep hygiene practices that can be shared with parents and teachers in order to optimize educational outcomes. 2011 When Words Heal: Improving Outcomes of Children Affected by Trauma Through Collaboration SA 5:00PM-6:00PM / CC, 260 (Lvl 2) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Carole Soucaze, Evergreen Community Charter Sch; Susan Ward, Carolina Mountain Counseling Complex developmental trauma affects children in increasingly alarming rates. Early trauma negatively impacts language development, yet words are cornerstone to healing for these children. This session discusses the neurological effects of trauma on communication development and how the fields of speech pathology and psychology can collaborate to maximize both language and psychotherapy outcomes. LANGUAGE DISORDERS IN ADULTS (SLP) 2012 Aphasia Therapy Through the Arts SA 5:00PM-6:00PM / CC, 257AB (Lvl 2) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Annalise Mayerson, Nat’l Aphasia Association; Mona Greenfield, Owner of Metropolitan Comm Associates Aphasia therapy through the arts provides an enriching milieu to facilitate communication skills. Listening, speaking, reading and writing can be enhanced through art. Specific interventions, projects and films demonstrating these techniques and interviews with persons with aphasia will be provided. Outcomes and benefits of programs discussed. 2013 Social Communication & Life Participation in Aphasia SA 5:00PM-6:00PM / CC, 259AB (Lvl 2) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Tami Brancamp, U of Nevada, Reno; Linda Carozza, Pace University; Art Matarazzo, Adler Aphasia Ctr; Becky Parker, Adler Aphasia Ctr Panel members, including SLP’s, a person with aphasia and his partner, will describe an “After Care” model of aphasia service delivery based on the Life Participation Approach to Aphasia and its application in videoconference social communication groups. In today’s medical economy, research in quality of life indicators and psychosocial adjustment to long-term disability is more important than ever. LANGUAGE IN INFANTS THROUGH PRESCHOOLERS (SLP) 2014 Assisted Reproduction & Childbearing in Advanced-Age: Increasing Rates of Twins & Its Effect on SLPs SA 5:00PM-6:00PM / Westin, Grand Ballroom A Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Rachel Harkawik, Kennedy Krieger Inst; Anna Pagnotti, Kennedy Krieger Inst Pregnancies of women who have used assistive reproductive strategies or who are 35 years or older are on the rise, contributing to an increased rate of referrals to early interventionists for twins. This presentation highlights unique factors and how to provide family-centered treatment to twins. LEADERSHIP, ETHICS, AND PROFESSIONAL ISSUES (GI) 2015 Modernizing the Academic Interview SA 5:00PM-6:00PM / Westin, Commonwealth AB Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Louise Keegan, Moravian Coll; James Scifers, Moravian Coll This presentation introduces ideas for enhancing the faculty search process for academic programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders, using technological supports. One example of a full day virtual interview is described and the benefits and disadvantages outlined. Authors argue that these methods could streamline the search process, reduce financial and time costs, and increase the likelihood of a successful search.