Extensive planning goes into scheduling sessions in appropriately sized rooms; however, the popularity of sessions is not always predictable, and overcrowding occasionally occurs. If a session room reaches capacity, attendees must follow the instructions provided by ASHA staff, convention center staff, student volunteers, or security staff.
ASHA is obligated to abide by the guidelines established by the fire marshal, who has the authority to delay or even shut down a session until any problem has been satisfactorily corrected. You may be instructed not to stand against the walls or block the aisles or doors, or you may be denied entry if the room is too crowded. Please be courteous and respectfully cooperate with staff and student volunteers when you are directed elsewhere.
Attendees are also asked to be respectful of presenters and their fellow attendees. Please be mindful of potential disruptions during sessions, such as eating food, use of phones or other mobile devices, or the presence of infants and children. Phones and other mobile devices should always be silenced. Attendees should not be photographing presentation slides unless explicit permission has been granted by the presenter(s); please see the Recording Policy.