General Information for Presenters

Call for Papers Notifications

Notifications of acceptance/non-acceptance will be emailed to all authors listed on proposals in mid-July. They will also be accessible to all authors via the Author/Presenter Management Center.


All sessions are final as accepted. We are unable to honor requests for switches to an in-person or a virtual format, changes to session format, or date and time changes for in-person sessions once the schedule has been finalized. If, for some reason, you must withdraw your presentation, please send written notification to as soon as possible.

Virtual presenters who fail to upload their presentations by the deadline will be administratively withdrawn from the ASHA Convention program.

Author/Presenter Management Center

A personalized link for the Author/Presenter Management Center site is included in the disclosure notification each author (either presenting or non-presenting) receives after their proposal is submitted. All authors should regularly log into the Author/Presenter Management Center to check for important notifications, critical deadlines, instructions, and required agreements and disclosure forms.

Author and Presenter Agreements and Disclosures

IMPORTANT: All authors listed on the proposal are required to complete the disclosure form and submit a bio by Wednesday, April 23, 2025, 11:59 p.m., Pacific Time. If ANY author does not complete their disclosure, the ENTIRE PROPOSAL will be administratively withdrawn.

Call for Papers Author Agreement

This is a general statement that you agree to adhere to the principles, guidelines, and procedures as outlined in the Author Agreement when submitting a proposal to the Call for Papers. All authors must read, understand and agree to this statement for their proposal to be considered for review.

Conflict of Interest Disclosures

Per the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Policy, for consideration at an ASHA event, anyone presenting or listed as an author for a presentation is required to complete a disclosure indicating any financial or non-financial relationship related to the content of the session. This requirement from ASHA's Continuing Education Board is designed to promote transparency in the design, development, and presentation of courses offered for ASHA CEUs. The requirement aligns ASHA with current practices among other professions, particularly in the continuing medical education arena.

Authors should update their disclosures in the Author/Presenter Management Center if anything has changed (e.g., employment changes relevant to the content of the poster) since they initially submitted their disclosure during the Call for Papers.

Presenting Author Agreement

All presenting authors (the actual presenters/speakers) must also agree to the Presenting Author Agreement for all proposals. Items in the Presenting Author Agreement specifically pertain to public presentation at the ASHA Convention, whether in person or via a pre-recorded session. Presenting authors must complete the Agreement by Wednesday, April 23, 2025.

Presenter Disclosures

All authors, whether or not they are presenting authors, involved in the development of content/presentations were required to provide information about their financial and nonfinancial relationships related to the content of the session as part of the ASHA Convention Call for Papers. 

All authors/presenters must provide their financial and non-financial disclosures at the beginning of the presentation—both in writing (on a slide) and verbally. Ideally, each author/presenter will state their own disclosures, but if only one presenter is speaking, that individual can verbally state disclosures for all the authors/presenters.

View additional information and examples about presenter disclosures to help guide you with disclosure statements for your presentation.

General Expectations for Sessions Offered at the ASHA Convention

Presenters are expected to follow the general expectations for sessions offered at the ASHA Convention, as summarized below.

  • Products, equipment, or devices described or used in conducting the course may not be marketed as part of the instructional portion of the CE course. Marketing and promotional activities and materials are prohibited within educational presentations, within the presentation/session room, and in/on any handouts related to the presentation. If promotional information on devices, products, or services is requested by an attendee during an educational session, information can be provided separately, after the session and outside of the session room.
  • ASHA does not endorse programs, products, or services. Acceptance of a paper for presentation does not constitute ASHA's endorsement of its content.
  • Speakers are expected to refrain from comments or humor that disparages the rightful dignity of any person or group.
  • Speakers are expected to comply with copyright law and HIPAA regulations in selecting material and images for their presentations. In particular, speakers are cautioned against using images or identifying details of any client or patient without express written permission to do so.

Creating an Accessible Presentation

ASHA is committed to providing access to continuing education courses for participants with disabilities and other diverse learners. We encourage presenters to follow these guidelines and suggestions to ensure your entire presentation (lecture, discussion, visual aids, videos, and printed materials) is accessible to all participants, regardless of their learning styles or needs.

Presenters may also wish to familiarize themselves with ASHA's accessibility policy for providing ADA accommodations at its live events.

Presenting for Impact: Leveraging the Science of Adult Learning to Deliver Great Presentations

In this resource, two experts in adult learning present proven strategies to help presenters deliver more impactful learning experiences—ones that effectively support a learner’s ability to gain and apply new knowledge or skills. Designed to be used during presentation development, the course explores key takeaways from the science of adult learning (andragogy), highlighting methods that support learning and those that hinder it.

Earning CE Credit for Presenting

As a presenter of a session offered for ASHA CEUs, you may claim credit for your own session, earning the same amount of credit as participants. Read more about earning continuing education credit at the ASHA Convention.

Program Planner and Mobile App

All sessions offered at the ASHA Convention—both in-person and virtual—are listed in Program Planner and mobile app. Your session description, author bio, author/presenter disclosures, and handouts are all available through the Planner and app.

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About ASHA

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) is the national professional, scientific, and credentialing association for members and affiliates who are audiologists; speech-language pathologists; speech, language, and hearing scientists; audiology and speech-language pathology assistants; and students.

About the Convention

The ASHA Convention is one of the largest professional development events for audiologists; speech-language pathologists; speech, language, and hearing scientists; and speech-language pathology and audiology assistants. Bringing together approximately 15,000 attendees, the annual Convention offers more than 2,500 sessions eligible for ASHA continuing education credit covering the latest research, clinical skills, and techniques in communication sciences and disorders.

Contact Us

For inquiries about the ASHA Convention:

The ASHA Action Center welcomes questions and requests for information from members and non-members.

Available 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. ET

Members: 800-498-2071
Non-Member: 800-638-8255

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