The Call for Co-Chairs for the 2027 ASHA Convention Program Committee closed on March 7, 2025.
About the Convention Program Committee Co-Chairs
The two co-chairs, one representing audiology and one representing speech-language pathology, share responsibilities to select and manage the Convention Program Committee (CPC). Education program development is a collaborative effort between the two co-chairs, with each taking primary responsibility for their respective professional areas. The two co-chairs work together on joint general interest topics.
ASHA volunteers are integral to advancing the association's mission and goals. Please note that this is a volunteer position, and ASHA does not provide financial reimbursement for your time or service.
Responsibilities Overview
- Liaison with the Senior Director, ASHA Convention and Meetings and the Director, Programs.
- Works directly with the ASHA Convention and Meetings Programs Team and the Associate Director, Event Communications.
- Coordinate and oversee the ASHA Convention professional education program and the Program Committee members (Topic Chairs).
- Serve a two-year term that includes a one-year term in the year prior to serving as co-chairs as members of ASHA's Scientific and Professional Education Board (SPEB) and as Topic Chairs for that year's ASHA Convention Program Committee.
Detailed Breakdown of Responsibilities
Scientific and Professional Education Board (SPEB) Member
January – December 2026:
- Serve a 1-year term as full members of SPEB.
- SPEB provides oversight in the operations of ASHA’s in-house Continuing Education (CE) Provider, ASHA Professional Development (APD) and assists in ensuring that all ASHA Convention sessions comply with ASHA Continuing Education standards and policies.
- SPEB conducts one virtual two-day meeting in the Spring and one face-to-face meeting in the Fall, on the morning of Committee Day at the ASHA Convention; and several video-conference calls throughout the year.
ASHA Convention Education Program Planning Timeline
July 2025 – November 2026:
- Serve as a Topic Chair for the 2026 ASHA Convention, including assisting current co-chairs with selection of topics and other Topic Chairs.
June 2026:
- Participate and provide feedback in the 2026 program finalization meeting (June 2026), per the direction of the 2026 CPC Co-Chairs.
July 2026 – November 2027:
- Develop and manage the overall direction of the Annual Convention's educational program (Short Courses, 1-hour Oral Seminars, Technical Sessions, and iPosters), Invited Sessions and presenters.
- Ensure that the CPC executes tasks in alignment with the CPC Handbook and adheres to the education program finalization timeline established by the ASHA Convention and Meetings staff.
- Organize and/or establish the annual program content Topic Areas to ensure coverage of current issues and trends in the professions.
- Recruit a diverse group of Topic Chairs based on their knowledge and expertise within each topic and oversee their review of the program Topic Areas.
- Provide orientation and training to Topic Chairs. Support their efforts and maintain frequent communication with them throughout all planning and review phases. Foster cross-collaboration between audiology and speech-language pathology Topic Areas.
- Coordinate the submission of invited/special sessions and presenters with Topic Chairs.
- Collaborate with ASHA committees, boards and councils, as needed, to reduce duplicative or conflicting sessions on related topics.
- Collaborate with the Local Hosts and the ASHA Convention and Meetings staff to develop Pre-Convention Workshops.
- Review the program for content overlap across Topic Areas.
- Respond to individuals whose proposals were rejected and who seek substantive explanations, following the Call for Papers Appeals policy, and work with the SPEB, as necessary, to resolve issues.
- Represent the CPC in meetings, conference calls, and events with ASHA staff teams, boards, committees, the ASHA President, or as requested by the ASHA staff.
- Offer suggestions and feedback for the development of the Convention theme. The final theme is determined by ASHA staff, who thoughtfully integrate input from the Co-Chairs in alignment with association goals and the President's annual theme.
- Contribute written pieces or participate in interviews for The ASHA Leader and other ASHA publications to promote the ASHA Convention, as requested by ASHA staff.
- Work with the ASHA Convention and Meetings staff to develop the Co-Chairs' presentation/speech at the Opening General Session (20 minutes total).
- Maintain frequent communication with the ASHA Convention and Meetings staff throughout the entire program planning process.
- Participate in regularly scheduled virtual meetings with the ASHA Convention and Meetings staff to discuss CPC tasks, address program issues, and review deadlines to ensure the program development remains on schedule.
- Host virtual office hours during the Call for Papers review process and answer questions posted to the ASHA Community CPC site, offering guidance as they make decisions.
September 2026:
- Facilitate, with support from the ASHA Convention and Meetings staff, Part One of the 2027 Convention Program Committee kick-off meeting (location & format to be determined by ASHA staff).
November 2026:
- If your schedule allows, attend the in-person 2026 ASHA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana (not required). See information below about travel, registration and lodging for this event.
January 2027:
- Facilitate, with support from the ASHA Convention and Meetings staff, the Part Two of the Convention Program Committee kick-off meeting (Fall 2026; location & format to be determined by ASHA staff).
April/May 2027:
- Manage the review process and acceptance of proposals according to the established procedures and timeline.
June 2027:
- Review the program for overlapping or conflicting sessions and facilitate the finalization meeting for the 2027 Convention education program.
At the 2027 ASHA Convention
- Attend the in-person 2027 ASHA Annual Convention. See information below about travel, registration and lodging for this event.
- Deliver 20-minute remarks during the Opening General Session previewing the education program.
- Represent the CPC at various ASHA events, including the First Timers' Welcome Reception on Wednesday and NSSLHA Council Meeting on Saturday.
- Along with past co-chairs, host office hours in the CPC Lounge to promote future CPC opportunities (tentative).
- Attend and monitor various Invited Sessions during the Convention.
Eligibility Requirements
- Be an ASHA member in good standing.
- Have served within the past 7 years on at least two prior Convention Program Committees, preferably at least once as a topic chair.
- Committed to dedicating significant time during term of service.
Note: Any member who has served as an ASHA Convention co-chair may apply again to serve as a co-chair five years after their term ends.
Additional Skills and Qualities
- Experience organizing, presenting, and managing professional and scientific programs.
- Past experience as an ASHA volunteer leader in other capacities.
- Experience as a volunteer leader outside of ASHA.
- Administrative, time management, and organizational skills.
- Professional recognition.
- Creative approach to considering new continuing education formats and methodologies.
- Ability to problem-solve and develop creative resolutions.
- Effective communication skills.
- Demonstrated commitment to advancing diversity in the professions.
- Demonstrated commitment to representing the full range of professional practice settings.
Before applying, please confirm you have thoroughly read through the requirements. If you are nominating someone, please confirm that they would be willing to serve. ASHA members who wish to be considered should submit:
- A letter of intent that addresses each of the following points:
- What motivates you to volunteer as a co-chair for the CPC?
- How do you envision contributing to the success of the ASHA Convention education program?
- What strengths or experience in education program development do you have that would be beneficial to this role?
- Your experience with leading volunteer groups (if applicable).
- Curriculum vitae or resume.
- Three letters of support. These should demonstrate a working relationship with the supporter and highlight relevant skills.
Selection Process
- ASHA’s Scientific and Professional Education Board (SPEB) will review applications and nominate one audiology and one speech-language pathology co-chair candidate to the ASHA Board of Directors.
- ASHA’s Board of Directors will make a decision on nominees in May-June and candidates will be notified promptly.
Travel, Registration, Lodging
2026 Convention: CPC Topic Chairs will receive a waiver to cover their base registration fee for the ASHA Convention. Lodging, travel, transportation, meals, incidentals and all other expenses are at the personal expense of the volunteer.
In-Person Kickoff Meetings (if applicable): While many meetings can successfully be held virtually, if ASHA staff determine any of the CPC kickoff meetings will be held in-person, expenses for one hotel night, airfare, and ground transportation will be reimbursed in accordance with ASHA's standard guidelines for volunteer leaders.
2027 Convention: You will receive a waiver to cover your base registration fee for the ASHA Convention and complimentary lodging (Tuesday-Sunday) will be provided. Lodging beyond what is outlined above, travel, transportation, meals, incidentals, and all other expenses are at the personal expense of the volunteer.
The submission deadline for the Call for Co-Chairs for the 2027 ASHA Convention was March 7, 2025.