Registration Fees

Registration for the 2025 ASHA Convention will open on August 1, 2025 at 10:00 a.m., Eastern time. If you have questions about registration, please email

If you have any questions regarding your membership status, need help with your account, or want to join ASHA or National NSSLHA, please call the Action Center at 800-498-2071.

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2025 In-Person Registration Fees and Deadlines

Full Convention Rates

Full in-person registration covers your attendance for all three days of the ASHA Convention, November 20–22, 2025. The full registration fee allows you to:

  • Attend any in-person 1-hour oral seminar, technical research session, technical clinical session, or poster presentation taking place on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
  • Visit the Exhibit Hall, attend Exhibitor Demonstrations, participate in Caring Square activities, and enjoy free coffee breaks.
  • Attend the Opening General Session and Awards Ceremony.
  • Earn continuing education credit for viewing on-demand/virtual technical sessions and iPosters.
Membership Category Early Bird Rate
Advance Rate
Regular Rate
Onsite Rate
Member $409 $459 $509 $559
Life Member $95 $95 $95 $95
National NSSHLA/ASHA Graduate Student Member $240 $240 $240 $240
ASHA-Certified Assistant $259 $309 $359 $409
New Member $309 $359 $409 $459
Clinical Fellow $309 $359 $409 $459
Non-ASHA Certified Assistant $309 $359 $409 $459
International Affiliate $409 $459 $509 $559
Related Professional $599 $649 $699 $749
Non-member $599 $649 $699 $749

One-Day Rates

You also have the option to attend the in-person event for a single day. You must select the day you will attend (Thursday, Friday, or Saturday) when you register. Your one-day registration rate allows you to:

  • Attend at any in-person 1-hour oral seminar, technical research session, technical clinical session, or poster presentation taking place on your selected day.
  • Visit the Exhibit Hall, attend Exhibitor Demonstrations, participate in Caring Square activities, and enjoy free coffee breaks on your selected day.
  • Attend at the Opening General Session or Awards Ceremony, if taking place on your selected day.

One-day registrants may only claim continuing education credit for in-person sessions held on the day they select to attend. The one-day registration option is for the in-person event only and does NOT allow you to claim continuing education credit for on-demand/virtual-only sessions.

Ticketed Add-Ons (In-Person Registration Only)

The following optional ticketed items may be added to your in-person registration to enhance your experience:

Event Ticket Price
Pre-Convention Workshops* $80/each; tickets for workshops sponsored by the host state association are $40 for members of that state association.
Short Courses (2-hour sessions) $40/each; SIG members may purchase discounted tickets to SIG-sponsored Short Courses for only $20/each.
ASHFoundation Fundraiser Reception $135/each
ASHA-PAC Reception (ASHA members only) $75 suggested donation/person


A guest registration option is available for $85 per person. A guest is an accompanying person who is neither an ASHA member (and not eligible to be), nor a related professional, and is attending the ASHA Convention in a social capacity only. Guest registration is offered so that friends or family members of registered attendees may accompany them socially in the Exhibit Hall and at special events (tickets may be required for certain special events or receptions) and does not include attendance at any education sessions.

Guests may not register themselves; guest registrations are affiliated with a fully registered attendee who must accompany the guest at all times. Guest passes are an official badge option for ASHA members and related professionals to add onto their registration for individuals who are ineligible for ASHA membership. Guest passes are not to be used as a substitute for Exhibit Hall–only passes.

Exhibit Hall-Only Passes

Exhibit hall-only passes are one-day passes for members and related professionals who only want to browse the exhibit hall and do not want to attend any education sessions. They are available for purchase online through registration for $100 beginning November 1 or onsite during the in-person ASHA Convention.

2025 Virtual-Only Registration Rates

The ASHA Convention is primarily an in-person event, but does include a library of on-demand/virtual poster presentations and technical sessions. The slides and audio from a limited selection of 1-hour oral seminars taking place at the in-person ASHA Convention will also be broadcast live to the virtual platform. (These sessions will not be recorded.)

Virtual sessions are available for anyone to view TBD date; however, you can only claim continuing education credit for them if you are registered. Virtual-only registration closes on November 22, 2025.

Membership Category

Virtual-Only Rate (8/1–11/22)

Life Member $95
All other membership categories, including non-members $109


All presenters (whether for in-person sessions or pre-recorded virtual sessions) are required to register for the ASHA Convention at the rate that corresponds to their membership status as outlined above, and to arrange their own travel and accommodations, even if under special circumstances. If you are a presenter and not a member of ASHA (because you are not a speech-language pathologist and/or audiologist and therefore ineligible to join ASHA), please contact after you receive your acceptance letter to request special registration instructions. Notifications of presentation acceptance and nonacceptance are e-mailed in mid-July.

If you are a presenter who is a student in the field of audiology or speech-language pathology, you must be a current National NSSLHA or ASHA Graduate Student member to register at the student rate, otherwise you will need to pay the non-member registration fee.

Group Registration Discount

When groups of 7 or more attendees from the same workplace register, they will receive the 8th registration free. The group discount applies to ASHA members, ASHA Affiliates, and NSSLHA members only. The group discount does not apply to Pre-Convention Workshops, Short Courses, or special event tickets. To receive the group discount, payment must be made in one transaction (check or credit card). The discount will be applied to the lesser registration fee. Badges will be mailed to each registrant at the address provided for the group.

Membership Categories

If you have any questions regarding your membership status, need help with your account, or want to join ASHA or National NSSLHA, please call the Action Center at 800-498-2071.

Be aware that the registration system takes 24 hours to reflect a new or updated membership status. If you recently updated your ASHA membership type, please allow time for the registration system to accurately reflect your registration rate before you register.

ASHA Member

To register at a member rate, make sure that your dues are current. If they are not, your registration will be processed at the non-member registration fee. If you are registering by mail, you must indicate your membership number on the registration form.

New ASHA Members

Individuals who have been a member of ASHA for four years or less are considered New ASHA Members.

ASHA-Certified Assistants

This rate is for individuals who are ASHA Affiliates through the ASHA Audiology or Speech-Language Pathology Assistants Program and hold the C-AA or the C-SLPA. This registration category is awarded professional development hours, not ASHA CEUs.

Clinical Fellow

ASHA Clinical Fellows who are currently working in a CF experience that meets the requirements of ASHA certification standard VII, with a CF Mentor (or Mentors) who meets the qualifications of ASHA certification standard VII-B, can register under the discounted ASHA Clinical Fellowship rate.

International Affiliates

International member affiliates and members of the SAC, RCSLT, SPA, IALP, CPLOL, ISA, and SBFa are included in this category.

Life Member

If you have been an ASHA member for 25 consecutive years, or have 35 years of cumulative membership, and have reached the age of 65 you qualify for the Life Member rate. Please contact the Action Center's toll free number, 800-498-2071, to request a life membership status. Your Life Membership status will become effective at the beginning of the next year after you made your request.

Non-ASHA Certified Assistant

Those currently employed in providing audiology or speech-language pathology assistant services and who are not currently an ASHA-certified assistant or applicant.

NSSLHA/ASHA Graduate Student Member

This rate is for current National NSSLHA or ASHA Graduate Student members. Students enrolled in a bachelor's, master's, or doctorate program must join NSSLHA to receive the National NSSLHA member rate. ASHA members and Certificate of Clinical Competence holders who are doctoral students must initiate their ASHA Graduate Student membership in order to receive the ASHA Graduate Student rate.

Related Professionals

Related Professionals are individuals who do not belong to ASHA, are not audiologists or speech-language pathologists and therefore ineligible for membership, and want to attend the ASHA Convention to enhance their professional knowlege (i.e., a special-ed teacher, an occupational therapist, etc.).

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About ASHA

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) is the national professional, scientific, and credentialing association for members and affiliates who are audiologists; speech-language pathologists; speech, language, and hearing scientists; audiology and speech-language pathology assistants; and students.

About the Convention

The ASHA Convention is one of the largest professional development events for audiologists; speech-language pathologists; speech, language, and hearing scientists; and speech-language pathology and audiology assistants. Bringing together approximately 15,000 attendees, the annual Convention offers more than 2,500 sessions eligible for ASHA continuing education credit covering the latest research, clinical skills, and techniques in communication sciences and disorders.

Contact Us

For inquiries about the ASHA Convention:

The ASHA Action Center welcomes questions and requests for information from members and non-members.

Available 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. ET

Members: 800-498-2071
Non-Member: 800-638-8255

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